
May 11, 2010

Coalitions are great. You get the best of both worlds and you can claim that your party supported it the whole time. Take tuition fees and opposition to ID cards in Scotland.

True enough there are some differences with the parties but they all have one thing in common: they didn’t win. It is the natural thing to do to combine and proceed. How on earth we are going to combine the words ‘conservative’ and ‘liberal’ together is anyones guess. But there is common ground, indeed the two parties have been less distant in the last parliament than previously. We will not be taking the brain of a pig and attaching it to the body of a goat. Politicians work together all the time. We’ll be taking a paragraph and a chapter of policies and sticking them together. Why can’t that work?

Everyone says theres a Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish precedent. However there is a recent UK precedent too. If you can get a coalition of Brown and Blair then you can certainly do a coalition of Cameron and Clegg.

Mind you , first time in history? I am not sure I trust LD motives for “speaking first” to the conservatives. I still think its possible its a means of justifying their eventual decision to join with labour.

Ok so my whole several part guide to why I’m voting labour thing has kind of stalled because I am having some difficulty with the immigration issue.  I’m more pro-immigration than Labour appear to be. I have concerns about detention centres and dawn raids. Am really struggling with this one at the moment.

But as this video demonstrates I really think there are so many amazing things that Labour has done which we are far, far too quick to forget. Its almost as though we take them for granted. Check it out.